Getting back on the horse

July is the mid-point month.  So far we’ve taken a look at where we stand with regards to our commitments for the new year and explored the value of self-forgiveness (in the event we’ve failed to meet our goals thus far). So how do you move on?

A friend sent me an excellent article that uses the analogy of falling off a horse to talk about getting back on track, which is excerpted below:

If you (or someone you know) has ever fallen off a horse, then you probably know how important it is for that person to get back on the horse as soon as possible.

Now, I’ve not [literally] fallen off a horse myself.  But if I did, I know that getting back on it would be the LAST thing I would want to do!   And that’s because I would be AFRAID… of falling again, of getting hurt, of the horse itself.

Yet that’s EXACTLY why getting back on the horse quickly is so important.  It’s to overcome that fear before it becomes more powerful and riding a horse gets even scarier in my mind.   If I don’t get back on the horse, I will become paralyzed by FEAR – and I would never again experience the joy, satisfaction, freedom and exhilaration of riding a horse.

But here’s the catch.  When you fall off a horse, all you need to do to prevent the fear from paralyzing you is to simply GET BACK ON THE HORSE.   No one would expect you to start galloping right away!

Just getting on the horse, sitting in the saddle and (maybe) walking around the paddock is enough – and would be met with great cheers and shouts of praise from anyone who was watching.   Galloping (or, for that matter, trotting or cantering) comes later.

 The same is true for you.   If you’ve “fallen off the horse” in some area of your life – e.g., self-care, your business, finances, nurturing certain relationships, actions for achieving your goals or even sending out your newsletter – then you need to take ONE action today that “gets you back in the saddle”.

It’s not about “galloping” right away… it’s not even about picking up at the speed you were traveling when you fell off.  It’s about getting back on the “horse”… before fear, guilt, overwhelm and procrastination set in even more.

If you looked at your goals earlier this month and realized that you’ve been falling short – get back on your career horse. Forgive yourself for being fallible and human – move on – move ahead.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston Churchill

“You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying. To the best you can do everyday.” ― Jason Mraz

“I am not concerned that you have fallen — I am concerned that you arise.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ― Confucius

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